Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law at Transilvania University of Brașov offers an optimal framework that harmoniously combines tradition and innovation in the field of legal education through a generous offer, materialized by two bachelor's programmes (full-time and part-time studies), by master’s degree studies, with four programmes, which are designed to transfer theoretical-practical values in the field public and private law.

The Faculty of Law at Transilvania University of Brașov offers an optimal framework that harmoniously combines tradition and innovation in the field of legal education through a generous offer, materialized by two bachelor's programmes (full-time and part-time studies), by master’s degree studies, with four programmes, which are designed to transfer theoretical-practical values in the field public and private law.

The Faculty of Law emerged with the study programme Law (full-time studies), which was accredited according to current standards and which was established in 1997 by Order of the Minister of Education and Science. It was initially a specialization within the Faculty of Economic Sciences of Transilvania University of Brașov, currently being a study programme. The Academic Council of the Senate of Transilvania University of Brașov approved in December 1996 the submission of the application for provisional authorization of the specialization Law (4-year full-time studies) to the Ministry of Education (current Ministry of National Education). The Law specialization received operating authorization according to H.G. no. 568/1995 and started operating in October 1997, and in July 2001 the first bachelor's exam in this specialization was taken.

In accordance with the provisions of republished Law no. 88/1993 on the accreditation of higher education institutions and the recognition of diplomas, the Faculty of Law is a higher education institution established by H. G. no. 631/2010, published in the Official Gazette no. 578/16 August 2010, which operates within the Transilvania University of Brașov.

The mission of the Faculty of Law at Transilvania University of Brașov consists in the initial and continuous academic training of specialists in the legal field, ensuring them competitive professional qualifications on the labour market, as well as the conditions to carry out scientific research and capitalizing on its results. This mission aims not only at the specialized professional training of students, but also at the development of their cultural-scientific level.