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Transilvania University International Law Conference - Current Issues within EU and EU Member States: Converging and Diverging Legal Trends is a forum dedicated to legal specialists or university teachers. The purpose of this conference is to exchange information on education, research, applications and developments in the field of law, but also to publish the latest results.





TRANSILVANIA INTERNATIONAL LAW CONFERENCE - 2018 „Current Issues within EU and EU Member States Legal Framework”, 2nd edition


The International Law Conference “Current Issues within EU and EU Member States: Converging and Diverging Legal Trends” is organized by the Faculty of Law within the Transilvania University of Braşov, 3rd edition, November 29-30, 2019.

The purpose of this conference is to exchange information on education, research, applications and developments in the field of law, but also to publish the latest results.
The conference mainly addresses legal specialists, academics, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, notaries, mediators, civil servants, scientific researchers, as well as students from undergraduate and master's degree programmes managed by the Faculty of Law. We enjoyed the presence, as keynote speakers, of a guest from abroad, Mrs. Prof. Dr. Angela Maria Romito, from the University of Bari Aldo Moro, who presented the work EUROPEAN CITIZENS’ INITIATIVE: NEW RULES, NEW TREND?, and a guest - a colleague of ours, Prof. Dr. Nasty Marian Vlădoiu, with the paper ANTI-SEMITISM - A PROBLEM OF PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW.
The Conference was held in two sections - Public Law, which presented papers in the field of Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, European Union Law, European Protection of Human Rights, and Private Law, in which papers in the field of Civil Law were presented - obligations, contracts, successions, Insolvency Law, Personal Data Protection, Commercial Arbitration, Banking Law, Personality Rights.
During the conference, the topicality of the chosen topics, the accuracy of the scientific research, but also the critical and constructive analysis, by proposing legislative solutions, legislation, jurisprudence and specialized doctrine present in the papers presented by the participants were particularly noted.